27 May 2010
Tone Wiik
Lady Midday - InLove
Tone Wiik
In eastern European countries the Lady Midday is a known character of myth and tradition. She is a noon demon and makes herself more evident in the middle of hot summer days- a personification of a sunstroke. While she can take the form of whirling dust clouds she is usually depicted as a young woman in white roaming the field bounds. She is like a woman in love, assailing people working, causing dizziness and madness for those unfortunate she gives her love to.
Lady Midday is a band from Bodø in Norway. Inspired by this mythological figure and its story, they are now presenting their first EP InLove to an awaiting audience. In this series of photographs the band and the myth are brought together as the band is presented through the story of the Lady Midday. The series of photographs tell a story where the band is the unfortunate to whom Lady Midday has chosen to give her love to, and the physical and mental effects that come with her love are shown through the photographs.