01 June 2010

27 May 2010


Exposure is the culmination of three years of study by thirteen graduates in photography at Roehampton University.
Exposure will be part of the Free Range Graduate Art and Design Show at the Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane, London, June 2010.
Free Range is currently the biggest graduate art and design show in Europe attracting 150,000 visitors every year.
Admission is free for this event

Manuela Luise

Manuela Luise www.manuelaluise.com

This visual project attempts to claim an artistic and architectural value for different ideals of modernization that remain incomplete.

There are almost 300 uncompleted constructions financed by public institutions in Italy. Seventy percent of these constructions are in the south of the country the rest are in the centre and the north.
The variety of the reasons behind these incomplete buildings determinates an objective difficulty in the identification of who or what might be responsible; they are side effects of the huge project of modernization started in Italy after the Second World War.
In parallel with the economic, social and cultural changes in the Italian politics the interventions of modernizations changed direction over the years. They generated different landscapes and ideals of modernization that often resulted in incomplete works.

[im]pending draws attention to this forgotten public capital. The constructions aim to be observed and used.

Lucy Ellwood

Lucy Ellwood

Max Weir

Max Weir

Tone Wiik

Lady Midday - InLove
Tone Wiik

In eastern European countries the Lady Midday is a known character of myth and tradition. She is a noon demon and makes herself more evident in the middle of hot summer days- a personification of a sunstroke. While she can take the form of whirling dust clouds she is usually depicted as a young woman in white roaming the field bounds. She is like a woman in love, assailing people working, causing dizziness and madness for those unfortunate she gives her love to.

Lady Midday is a band from Bodø in Norway. Inspired by this mythological figure and its story, they are now presenting their first EP InLove to an awaiting audience. In this series of photographs the band and the myth are brought together as the band is presented through the story of the Lady Midday. The series of photographs tell a story where the band is the unfortunate to whom Lady Midday has chosen to give her love to, and the physical and mental effects that come with her love are shown through the photographs.

26 May 2010

Nathan Cook

Nathan Cook

“Man when he is asleep is the play thing of his memory”.
The unconscious realm which we all take part in on a day to day basis is bypassed too freely in its exploration and analysis.
It concerns recognition, correlation and memory, all things which form the basic structure to our understanding of the world within our conscious lives.
The minds ability to formulate experiences that take place in the conscious realm and correlate them in the unconscious is a phenomenon which push's past our understanding of the subject-object relationship; to which we usually internalize the world.
This correlation of experience which we call a 'dream' is that to which our mind works independently of direct correlative experience to create an existential picture from memory. Whatever flees the light, takes place in the dark is a visual interpretation of the artists dreams, depicting the abstract unconscious compilation of prior thought.